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  SST Betterbalance

   Next Level Boot Management 

     #1 at Achieving better balance in just one session!

     Make those skis run straight as an arrow


     Align your joints up before you are bone on bone


     Even if you are bone on bone, we can likely help you


     Make your joints and ski boots last longer


  Structural Alignment    Screen + Dynamic    Movement Analysis  

= Better Balance


After being a standard part of the Senior Ski Team Tech Camps modus operandi for the past 7 seasons, we are proud to offer an evolved version of the Structural Alignment Screen [SAS] to the general public. 

The Genesis of the SAS Alignment Process is the Harb Ski System which has fitted and successfully aligned over 10,000 skiers from beginners to racers over the past 20 years; differentiating themselves from the competition by performing both an in-store static, and an on-hill dynamic alignment verification; to produce the maximum performance for technical advancement.

We've even created a whole new web site for our service: 





A Match Made In 7th Heaven


With the majority of skiers requiring boot alignment adjustment’s to balance properly on their skis, the Betterbalance Process is designed to do just that, to ensure the skier is properly balanced on their skis, rides a flat ski and is able to execute the movements that efficiently puts the ski on edge or at an angle to the snow. The movements start with the feet and then affects everything up the torso.  


Since your ski boots totally wrap around the feet, ankles and lower leg , they are the single most important part of your ski equipment; rarely however are they ready to ski right out of the box.  In addition none of us have equally functional feet and legs for skiing and everyone of us has different foot and leg structures.  Getting fitted with the correct ski boot can often be a daunting task.


Ski boots couldn’t possibly be ideal for all of us. There are some compromises and assumptions in boot design and for many skiers these have a dramatic effect on their skiing performance, ability to improve, and the enjoyment of the sport.


Today there are very few ski shops that understand the link between ski boots, alignment and ski performance. In addition ski instructors are not generally taught how to evaluate dynamic alignment on the hill and how that relates to the movements required to ski on modern skis. And, to make the diagnosis of alignment problems even more difficult, North American ski instruction does not teach edge release in the transition using foot movements – which is what proper alignment is about.


Simply put, most skiers ski with a handicap due to a compromised or an incomplete analysis of their setup and simply adapt to and live with it.


If you're a 'mature' skier and struggle with your balance on skis in any way and can't seem to progress, then there's a good chance you're stance isn't neutral.  This situation may lead you to suffer needlessly from chronic ankle, knee or hip discomfort while skiing.  The list of symptoms goes on but it doesn't need to.


Book an appointment, it's never too late to get on the road to better skiing through better balance.



Price: $299.00 + Tax: 5% GST - $14.95 = $313.95


NEW, and now booking

By popular demand, you can now book follow-up 1.5 hour assessment sessions.  There was obviously an opening for this product to be introduced as our satisfied customers have come to us asking us for further assistance.


You've done a Structural Alignment Screen, had your boots customized to your stance, you've been skiing with the new setup for some time and now...


As your body and brain adjusted to the new reality created by being balanced in your boots and on your skis, naturally, you have awakened this whole new sense of possibilities that's opened up for you.


It's natural as well to have the need for some guidance on how to tweak this along.  The followup assessment coaching falls short of a conventional 'lesson' but revisits the PMTS Essentials of Skiing as they pertain to the new you.


Simple, short and tailored to you individually, book today and continue your progression to Better Balance.


Price: $399.00 + Tax: 5% GST - $19.95 = $418.95



        a Testimonnial or two


Hello Wendell


re: Post On-Snow Alignment Session - A significant difference.


I did the ski on one leg exercise and was able to turn and go straight without any problem. Absolutely no comparison to when you first had me try it. 
After getting used to the new setup, I found it a lot easier to transition from one edge to the other and specifically, it was a lot easier to get on the outside edge of my right ski. After skiing for an hour or so I learned to relax and felt more confidence at higher speeds. 


My skiing has changed.  N.L.




Hello Diana

  Thank you for recommending Wendell and his  SST camp at Whistler.  I have just completed the Green camp.  I was reluctant to take the green as I have quite a bit of Ski experience.  I was wrong as it was a real eye opener.  I have been following Harald’s system for a while now but having an instructor work on my balance and get my boots and stance corrected proved both a challenge and great benefit for me.  You cannot beat hands on instruction.  I feel thankful to have found you and PMTS.  Wendell is a great guy and he really pushes you to your limit.  Great ability to tailor the sessions to each individuals skill level.   I will never look at regular Ski instruction the same again.  I now know it is greatly lacking and does not provide the direct line to improvement that PMTS does.  By the 4th  day I could not help but laugh out loud as I balanced on one ski and made tight short turns with an ease I have never experienced before.  All this on 69 year old legs that had not been on the snow since last March.

  Hope to get back for more next year, maybe Colorado.

Many thanks




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